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Get the technical data. Need a specific chemical tested? Use Kappler's free, custom testing program. For details, contact Customer Service at All chemical test data shown is “permeation” based on ASTM F739 unless noted as “liquid penetration” based on ASTM F903/F1671. Select chemicals based on Scan the label with your phone's QR reader for a complete list of chemicals tested against your garment's protective fabric. Zytron 200 Chemical Test Data View Chemical Data View Product Details Literature & Documents NFPA 1994-2001 with breakthrough times reported based on total cumulative permeation. Kappler® Chem Tape™. NOTICE: on 0800 919 900. The guide on the following page(s) was provided by the supplier. Chem-Tape® Permeation Test Data. Chem-Tape® Permeation Test Data. Chemical Name. Concentration Breakthrough Time Permeation Rate SDL. (%). Normalized (min). (ug/cm2/min). This data is derived from tests performed on material samples only, not finished with breakthrough times reported based on total cumulative permeation. Chemical Permeation Data . Appendix A Zytron® and Frontline® Size Chart . Kappler's website, kappler.com, and all applicable Federal,Kappler NFPA apparel offers proven protection -- know what you're getting into. Chemical vs Garment Fabric, Seams, Visors, Gloves, Boots, Permeation Kappler Total Encapsulating Level A suit Kappler CPF 3 Total Encapsulating Level Technical data package and permeation guide with each suit.
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